which dances – which writes. Aluminium Assemblagen.
With contributions of: Thomas Ballhausen, David Ender, Alix Eynaudi, Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Katrin Hornek, Herbert Justnik, Niamo Lattner, Jeroen Peeters, Elizabeth A. Povinelli, Elisabeth Schäfer, Tanja Traxler, Brigitte Wilfing.
Edited by: Sabina Holzer & Elisabeth Schäfer.
Book design by: David Ender & Jack Hauser.
Sonderzahl Verlag, 2023
Deutsch / english, 185 S., Softcover format: 16,5 × 21 cm
€ 25,–
ISBN 978 3 85449 642 7
Vorschau Sonderzahl Verlag

The fragile state of the earth, the immense consumption of resources in some parts of the world and the resulting climate change make us ask for expanded narratives on how we can deal with this existential threat to our common living conditions. which dances – which writes. Aluminium Assemblages brings together contributions that are dedicated to the resistant practice of wanting to tell new stories in dark times. The texts explore the glittering, playful, highly energetic, poisonously luxurious compounds of aluminium. Aluminium is the most common metal on earth and an indispensable part of our everyday lives. At the same time, the production of aluminium is enormously energy-intensive and the red sludge produced during its production is highly toxic.
The volume which dances – which writes. Aluminium Assemblages describes an artistic research of a choreographic assemblage: in the contributions to the volume, the production and consumption of aluminium are recycled in a poetic, reflective way in order to give the interwoven co-existence of the human, the non-human and the more-than-human new connections, assemblages, in language.
INTERVIEW by Michael Woels in SKUG:
*All is full of Alu: June 2023.