Sabina Holzer is a dancer, choreographer, writer and movementfacilitator based in somatic movement practices and Yoga. She works in the field of expanded choreography and her performances, interventions and texts explore the ecologies of human and more-than-human bodies with particular attention to movement, matter and co-existances. She engages in practices of community, philosophy, ecology, materiality, science fiction & poetry. Since many years she is connected to a field of international artists and theorists. With them and together with artist Jack Hauser she develops collaborative artistic research settings, performances and interventions in public spaces, galleries, museums & theaters, such as Lentos Museum für moderne Kunst, Essl Museum, Hidden Museum, dOCUMETA (13), ImPulsTanz, Tanzquartier Wien, DieAngewandte. Her engagement in choreography relates to resource-orientation with a critical feminist approach to the Anthropocen.
In 2021, she created “which dances—a choreographic assemblage” on the entanglements of Aluminum in collaboration with the Volkskunde Museum Vienna. It was the basis for the publication „which writings“ in collaboration with Elisabeth Schäfer and Sonderzahl Verlag Wien to be released in 2023. For her project „Fluvial“ on fluids of human bodies and cityscapes, she holds an artistic research grant from the city of Vienna for 2022.
Sabina teaches movement exploration and composition and lectures in various institutions and venues, such as Tanzquartier Wien, DieAngewandte, SEAD – Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance; the University of Amsterdam – School for New Dance Development; ondance; Vienna Conservatory; Im_flieger; ImPulsTanz; a.o. Since 2016 she has been a certified practitioner in systemic and integrational movement study / SIB®. She gives personal sessions and combines this specific approach with Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga and other somatic methodologies in her movement, dance practice, and teaching.
As a performer, she worked in international projects with, among others, Robert Steijn, Fabian Chyle, Bilderwerfer, Toxic Dreams, Vera Mantero/o rumo do fumo, Jeroen Peeters, Philipp Gehmacher/mumbling fish, Lux Flux, Machfeld and Milli Bitterli/artifical horizon.
Till 2020, she was an associative artist at Im_flieger – association to support performative arts, where she participated as a structural & artistic adviser from 2011-2015. After the co-conception of the transdisciplinary research project Stoffwechsel – Ökologien der Zusammenarbeit she was part of the project as a researcher from 2016 – 2020 holding attention to the „materiality of writing“.
Since 2007 she writes, performs, and publishes texts in relation to contemporary dance and performance in various media, like the online magazine for performance, philosophy politics:, in the TQW Edition SCORES N°2 and N°4, participated in „Performing this sentence: Research and Teaching in the Performative Fine Arts“, Sternberg Press, 2014; in Sub/limes – a queer-reviewed journal; the online magazine www.engagee writing together with the philosopher Kilian Jörg; and Her texts can also be also found in several artist publications, such as „Atlas Wohnung Miryam van Doren“ by Jack Hauser; „Injection“ edited by Daniel Aschwanden, David Ender, Jack Hauser and in collaboration with Jack Hauser, Jeroen Peeters and Roland Rauschmeier she was invited to the artist book We don’t know what free jazz is (WTKB Editions, 2015), as well as in several of her performances. She was a writing companion for the project Noa & Snow, (2021/22), a project initiated & facilitated by Alix Eynaudi and co-author of the text of the video installation PlantPlant by Katrin Hornek in 2022. In 2023 she is co-editor with Elisabeth Schäfer for the book „which dances – which writes, Aluminium Assemblagen, Sonderzahlverlag Vienna.
She has been cooperating closely with the artist Jack Hauser since 2005. They hold various extended collaborations with Jereon Peeters (dramaturg, author, & performer), Brigitte Wilfing (choreographer, performer), David Ender (performer, author, musician), Thomas Ballhausen (author), Elena Peytchinska (artist), Lito Walkey (artist), Alix Eynaudi (choreographer, dancer), Esther Strauß (visual artist), Katrin Hornek (artist), and Elisabeth Schäfer (philosopher, writer).
Sabina studied at the Amsterdam University of Performing Arts – School for New Dance Development. She completed a three-year training in SIB – systemische und integrative Bewegungslehre in 2016. Due to an injury, she started to practice Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga in 2013 intensivly, followed the teacher training, and started to share her practice since then in various institutions and gatherings. She was born in 1966 in Vienna, Austria.
* Liquid Journey | Workshop TQW
* Riverin‘ | Morning Practice TQW Vienna
* Listening Manoeuvre | Intervention with Christina Gruber & Sabina Holzer invited by ‚One Body of Water‘, Regina Hügli. A boot trip at the Donaukanal Wien to connect with the water. Coproduced by Vollkskundemuseum Wien und Klima Biennale.
* which dances – or how to imagine a future beyond extraction | Choreographic assemblage designed and created by
Sabina Holzer / cattravelsnotalone in collaboration with: Aluminium, Alix Eynaudi, Esther Figueroa, Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Eva Holzinger, Kilian Jörg, Herbert Justnik, Anna Leon, Stefan Pogatscher, Elisabeth Schäfer. In Cooperation with Volkskundemuseum Vienna in the frame of the Klima Biennale 2024.
* testing grounds Katrin Hornek in collaboration with Karin Pauer, Sabina Holzer und Zosia Hołubowska, Secession Wien.
* Liquid Journey IV | Workshop & Artistic Research @ Volkskunde Museum Wien. Sabina Holzer & guests. With: Agnes Schneidewind, Boris Hauf, Christina Gruber, Herbert Justnik, Iris Dittler, Jack Hauser, Oisín Monaghan und Litó Walkey
* Liquid Journey III | Workshop @ Convocation, Zentrum Focus Forschung / dieAngewandte Vienna.
Conceived and curated by Emma Cocker, Cordula Daus, Lena Séraphin.
* Salon(g)ing with books & friends invited by Sabina Holzer and Jeroen Peeters.
With: Alix Eynaudi, Anne Juren, Elisabeth Schäfer, Jack Hauser, Jeroen Peeters, Julien Bruneau, Nikolaus Gansterer and Sabina Holzer @ eindorf.
* Care & Dare | Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga @ public moves, ImPulsTanz Vienna
* which dances – which writes, Aluminium Assemblage | book. Edited by Sabina Holzer & Elisabeth Schäfer. With contributions by: Thomas Ballhausen, David Ender, Alix Eynaudi, Jack Hauser,
Sabina Holzer, Kartin Hornek, Herbert Justnik, Niamo Lattner, Jeroen Peeters,
Elizabeth A. Povinelli, Elisabeth Schäfer, Tanja Traxler, Brigitte Wilfing. Publisher: Sonderzahl, 2023.
* which zones | Performance by Sabina Holzer with Elisabeth Schäfer, Jack Hauser, Alix Eynaudi, Thomas Wagensommerer, Brigitte Wilfing. Tanzquartier Studios
* sead | teachings: Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga, Mentoring
* Restshop #1 | workshop by Institute of Rest(s) / Alix Eynaudi,with special guest Sabina Holzer, Tanzquartier Vienna
* Poetry without Poets #1 – Choreo-Somatics of Resting Dissidence by Alix Eynaudi a chapter, an annex, a fore room, a suffix, and a prefix all at once, to an Institute of Rest(s). With Paula Caspão, Cécile Tonizzo, Sabina Holzer, Ujjwal Kanishka Utkarsh, Quim Pujol, Joachim Hamou & mollusca productions. Tanzquartier Vienna, Studios
* Liquid Journeys (2) Sabina Holzer & Gäste | Workshop
Volkskundemuseum Wien
Curated by Katalin Erdődi and Philipp Gehmacher. Tanzquartier Wien, Halle G.
* MODIFIED GROUND | Walk, Performance und Buchpräsentation (UA 2022, 80′), By Katrin Hornek and Judith Unterpertinger & guests. Universitätsgebäude für Geologie. In the frame of Wien Modern. MORE INFORMATION
* CONTINGENT AGENCIES: CROSS-DISCIPLINARY SYMPOSIUM. Initiated by Nikolaus Gansterer und Alex Artega. Participant researchers will be Karen Barad, Arno Boehler, Emma Cocker, Gerhard Dirmoser, Mika Elo, Tim Ingold, Sabina Holzer, Paula Kramer, Lambros Malafouris, Erin Manning, Dieter Mersch, Hans Jörg Rheinberger, and Andreas Spiegl, together with the principal investigators Nikolaus Gansterer and Alex Arteaga and the head of the Zentrum Fokus ForschungAlexander Damianisch.Zentrum Focus Forschung Vienna. Contingent Agencies Net
* Liquid Journey (2): Practice and reflection of the artistic research FLUVIAL
– on bodies, water and urban landscapes. Volkskunde Museum Vienna.
* Liquid Journeys (1) @ Volkskundemuseum Wien
Sabina Holzer & Guests. MORE:
Workshop Artist Research | Improvisation | Theory @ ImPulsTanz
Sabina Holzer & Kilian Jörg. Further info: here
* ImPulsTanz – Public Moves – Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga | Sabina Holzer
Care & Dare – Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga.
* Connect & Care – Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga | Sabina Holzer. In light of recent events, Tanzquartier Vienna invites refugees to participate in the programme of Body and Performance Practices for free. It is a great initiative!
* MORNING PRACTICE @ Tanzquartier Wien | Sabina Holzer
* WORKSHOP @ Tanzquartier Wien | Sabina Holzer. In relation of research Fluvial.* falling from horizon into blue or what needs to be done. drawings by agnes schneidewind with and about the dreaming body. performance miss coochie träumt by sabina holzer
@ gallery zwischendecke.
* Factory Walk | by Sabina Holzer as part of PLANT PLANT by Katrin Hornek, installation. Curated by: ar/ge kunst and BAU. PLANT PLANT by Katrin Hornek.
* Text for Videoinstallation PLANT PLANT | Co-author Sabina Holzer & Katrin Hornek.
* Teaching: Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga, Mentoring @ SEAD – Salzburg Experimental Academy for Dance.
* Growing Sideways by andotherstage – Brigitte Wilfing & Jorge Sánchez-Chiong. With: Brigitte Wilfing, Jorge Sánchez-Chiong, Andrew Champlin, Mirjam Klebel, Alfredo Ovalles, David Christopher Panzl, Dalma Sarnyai, Laura Schroeder, Sabina Holzer, Lise Lendais, Florian Bogner, Jan Maria Lukas.
Wien Modern, Studio Moliere.
* Noa&snow poem#5. Initiated & facilitated by Alix Eynaudi. With: Paul Kotal, Ujjwal Utkarsh, Mirhet Kebede, Quim Pujol, Lydia Mcglinchey, Mark Lorimer, Han-Gyeol Lie, Sabina Holzer, Frida Robles, Samuel Feldhandler, Elizabeth Ward, Alix Eynaudi, Eva Holzinger. Paula Caspão, Soeyon Park, Cécile Tonizzo, Tom Pauwels and An Breugelmans @ Volkskundemuseum Vienna as part of Wien Modern.
* In its Entirety by Philipp Gehmacher. Concept, performance, text: Philipp Gehmacher. With: Kutin I Kindlinger, Lukas Kötz, Bruno Pocheron, Anna Schwarz, Alex Franz Zehetbauer, Krassimira Kruschkova, Sabina Holzer, Artistic assistance, Stephanie Leonhardt. Tanzquartier Wien, Halle G.
* Permanent Collection by Manuel Pelmus, Performance.
by with Benjamin Boar, Erza Fieremans, Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Mzamo Nondlwana, Elizabeth Waard. Kunsthalle Wien
* Latent Soils by Katrin Hornek (Installation, various materials)
Production & artistic supervision: TE-R. Voice: Sabina Holzer. With many thanks to: Kira Lappé, Martin Mosser (Stadtarchäologie Wien) and Bruno Szenk. Kunstraum Lakeside,
* Notebooks, small acts of friendship. A project by Alix Eynaudi. Accomplices Cécile Tonizzo, Mihret Kebede, Sabina Holzer [hmm] – howls & murmurs for endangered futures + guests costumes & objects An Breugelmans production management Eva Holzinger/mollusca productions produced by boîte de production & Wiener Festwochen.
* JACQUELINE, DU? oder ein Sommer der Hefte und Beilagen by Jack Hauser,
with David Ender, Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Franz Neovalis Neulinger & Anton Tichawa
* Teaching Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga @ YogaKula Vienna
* which dances – choreographic assemblage @ Volkskundemuseum Wien
with Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Elisabeth Schäfer, Thomas Wagensommerer, Brigitte Wilfing & guests.
* noa&snow poem#1. Initiated & facilitated by Alix Eynaudi. With:Paula Caspão, Quim Pujol, Cécile Tonizzo, Bruno Pocheron, An Breugelmans, Anne Faucheret, Sabina Holzer,Eva Holzinger @ Volkskunde Museum Wien.
Mentoring pieces by choreografic major I & II & ICEs @ SEAD Salzbug
* Verwandeln – Verkleiden | IKFKPK – Institut für künstlerischen Forschung zur Körperpoesie der Kindheit (Performance&Installation) Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Marie Strauß, Brux-Vorbrenner, Innsbruck
* “As a woman I want no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world.“
– Virginia Wolf (Opening Performance) Sabina Holzer & Conny Scheuer @ Wienwoche, Festival for Art & Activism
* Von Händen und Sonden (Opening Performance)
Exhibition by Elena Peytchinska & Thomas Ballhausen, Jeannot Schwartz @ Extra-Raum
* Dare & Care (Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga shared practice) @ public moves ImPulsTanz
* [hmm] – howls & murmurs for endangered futures (participatory intervention)
With: Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Elisabeth Schäfer, Agnes Schneidewind,
Brigitte Wilfing. Idea & Concept: Sabina Holzer @ Kultursommer Wien
* Denkkollektiv #4 – Körper und Vernünfte (Artistic Research)Facilitated by: Sabina Holzer & Kilian Jörg. With: Alfred Lenz, Anita Kaya, Claudia Heu, Jack Hauser, Lisa Hinterreitner, Sara Lanner @ Im_flieger
* which dances in progress (Open Studio), Sabina Holzer, Jack Hauser, Elisabeth Schäfer, Brigitte Wilfing, Thomas Wagensommerer @ SeeLab / Jot12
* Howls & Murmurs for endangered futures (participatory installation): Conceived by Sabina Holzer. With: Iris Dittler, Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Johanna Nielson, Loulou Omer, Oliver Schrader, Cornelia Scheuer, Agnes Schneidewind. Public Space, Vienna.
* Poetic of Scores, teaching @ SEAD
* Space is the Place Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga, online training by Sabina Holzer
* Exposure to a community to come (Artistic Research); initiated by Sabina Holzer. With Alix Eynaudi, Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Katrin Hornek, Sara Lanner, Elisabeth Schäfer, Jeroen Peeters, Brigitte Wilfing; Tanzquartier, Vienna.
* Noa & Snow, Poem#1 (Artistic Research) with Paula Caspão, Quim Pujol, Cécile Tonizzo, Bruno Pocheron, An Breugelmans, Anne Faucheret, Sabina Holzer, Eva Holzinger, Volkskunde Museum Vienna
* Yoga Instruction & Mentoring @ sead, Salzburg Experimental Academy for Dance
* stffwchsl (artistic research) with Anita Kaya, Claudia Heu, Michael Hirsch, Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Kilian Jörg, Sara Lanner. Im_flieger / Stoffwechsel – Ökologien der Zusammenarbeit
* pass.age (Dance & Performance) with David Ender, Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer
In the frame of the opening of Wien Modern Konzerthaus Wien
* Modified Grounds#2, Concrete Voids (Soundinstallation and Video (2018–2021) UA)
A project by Katrin Hornek & Judith Unterpertinger, Brigittenauer Brücke / Wien Modern
* Land of the flats | Music & Dance Performance by Brigitte Wilfing + Sánchez-Chiong + andother stage. Choreographic Advise: Sabina Holzer. Reaktor / Wien Modern
* Institut für künstlerische Forschung zur Körperpoesie der Kindheit
1. Tagung: Raufen (artistic reseach) withJack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Esther Strauß, Atelierhaus Kendlerstraße
* I miss my body (intervention public spaces) concept: Esther Strauß, with Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Esther Strauß, Innsbruck, Tirol
* further poetic cartographies and operations (regarding the mind-body and the nature-culture continuum) (Dance in Progress) by Sabina Holzer, with the support of Jot12, Jack Hauser, Elisabeth Schäfer, Brigitte Wilfing, Jot12, Seestadt, Aspern
* Dare and Care (Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga) continous facilitation of Yoga Practice and Movement Exploration. Autumn 2019 at Im_flieger
* A brief dance of light (for those who come after us) (Performance)
Sabina Holzer & Benoit Lachambre in the frame of Tracing forward ImPulsTanz
* Sci Fi Lullaby – Second Tunes (Artist in Residence) Sabina Holzer and guests: Alix Enaudi, Jack Hauser, Elisabeth Schäfer, Lito Walkey, Brigitte Wilfing. ImPulsTanz
* Plastik in the world of tomorrow (Intervention)
Katrin Hornek in collaboration with Sabina Holzer. 2. Forum Anthroprozän Mallnitz, Zeitgespräch
* REKSOLL – Cross-Pollinating Convergence (labor & presentation)
Initiated by Raul Maia and Elisabeth Ward with Kristina Pia Hofer,
Sabina Holzer, Otto Ramstad, Linda Samaraweerová and Lina Venegas
Tanzquartier Wien
* Making Kin (Festival and Artistic Research) with Anita Kaya, Claudia Heu, Michael Hirsch, Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Lisa Hinterreithner, Kilian Jörg, Sara Lanner & guests. Philosphy Unbound in collaboration with Im_flieger
* Künstlerische Forschung zum poetischen Körper (Artistic Research)
Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer & Esther Strauss. Institut für körperliche Poesie der Kindheit
* Fabulatory – a fabulous etymology of gesture as an archival futuring practic; (Artistic Research presentation) by Brigitte Wilfing in collaboration with Sabina Holzer, Jorge Sánchez-Chiong. DOCH – Stockholm University of the Arts
* pass.age (concert & performance) David Ender, Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer,
* Aus Welt bestehen ist nicht unbedingt einfach (Artist talk), Katrin Hornek,
moderation, Sabina Holzer, Tanzquartier Wien
* Sci-Fi Lullaby (Artist in Residence) Im_flieger
* after too much (Research Labor) invited by Lisa Hintherreithner. With Alfred Lenz, Anita Kaya, Jack Hauser, Michael Hirsch, Sabina Holzer, Claudia Heu | Im_flieger
* Ecriture II (Artist in Residence) Sabina Holzer & Jack Hauser | Performancetage Steinhaus durch:formen
* Extra Raum (Artist in Residence)
* You are here (Mentor) ImPulsTanz Vienna, Idocde.
* Reflex Residency (Mentoring) as part of Reflex Research Team | ImPulsTanz Vienna
* MIND THE DANCE LAB (Workshop) Sabina Holzer & Annouk LLaurens | ImPulsTanz Vienna
* CHROMATOGRAFIE EINES GEMENGES DER WOHNUNG MIRYAM VAN DOREN (Exhibition & Performance) by Jack Hauser. With the agency of Thomas Ballhausen, David Ender, Lisa Hinterreithner, Sabina Holzer, Inge Kaindlstorfer, Anita Kaya,M1+1, Sabine Maier, Michael Mastrototaro, Franz Neovalis Neulinger, Phantom J. Peeters, Elena Peytchinska, Frans Poelstra, Anton Tichawa, Elisabeth Schäfer, Hannes fishy Wurm, Daniela Zeilinger | Machfeld
* Feministic Speculations with Strange Bedfellows | Workshop Brandenburgisches Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften (ZeM). Organisation: Naomie Gramlich, Marie-Luise Angerer | Universität Potsdam Institut für Künste und Medien, Europäische Medienwissenschaft
* Stones like us (Exhibition & Performance) by Katrin Hornek in collaboration with Sabina Holzer (Text)| Tischofer Höhle, Tirol
* Stffwchsl@Soho in Ottakring (Research & Performance) with Alfred Lenz, Anita Kaya, Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Claudia Heu, Lisa Hinterreithner, Kilian Jörg, Yasmin Ritschl, TE -R (Thomas Wagensommerer & Louise Linsenbolz) & guests | Soho in Ottakring
* scratching the script (Workshop) by Sabina Holzer | Tanzquatier Wien
* Book publication of the project „Stoffwechsel – Ökologien der Zusammenarbeit“ Editorial: Jack Hauser & Sabina Holzer in collaboration with Alfred Lenz, Anita Kaya, Brigitte Wilfing, Claudia Heu, Katrin Hornek, Lisa Hinterreithner, Kilian Jörg, Yasmin Ritschl, TE -R (Thomas Wagensommerer & Louise Linsenbolz), Im_flieger
* Guess What (Performance), created by and featuring Sara Lanner, incollaboration with: Gabrielle Cram, Steffi Parlow, Sabina Holzer, Michael Wedenig | brut im Werk X elorado, imagetanz 2018
* Vestris 4.0 (Performance), choreografy and dance: Eva-Maria Schaller, in collaboration with: Matthias Kranebitter, Maiken Beer, Elena Peytchinska, Jan Wagner, Esther Balfe,Sabina Holzer| brut im Werk X elorado, imagetanz 2018
* FAUNA (Book presentation) by Thomas Ballhausen & Elena Peytchinska, intervention: Jack Hauser & Sabina Holzer | AIL Vienna
* STFFWCHSL WERKSTATT (artist’s space) with Alfred Lenz, Anita Kaya, Claudia Heu, Lisa Hinterreithner Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Kilian Jörg, Yasmin Ritschl, TE -R (Thomas Wagensommerer & Louise Linsenbolz) and guests | Schutzhaus zur Zukunft auf der Schmelz
* Lab Shared Space – Time | Infiltrations with Jack Hauser, Lisa Hinterreithner, Sabina Holzer, Nic Lloyd, Chris Standfest | Tanzbüro Salzburg
Fachkonferenz für Bildungsberatung with Michaela Moser, Wolfgang Bliem, Matthias Müller, Daniela Holzer, Michael Kimmel, Mariella Greil, Sabina Holzer, maRia Probst, Helfried Faschingbauer, Sybille Oberstein
* FLUXSAFEHOUSEVIENNA ENDS (Intervention) Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Anton Tichawa | eSel REZEPTION / Q21 / MQwien
* M1+1 (Artistic research) Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Sabine Maier, Michael Mastrototaro 12th – 15th of July Studio Machfeld
* Camera Obscura (Performance) Jack Hauser & Sabina Holzer; in the frame of: DRIVE THRU by Arthur Summereder and Danila Zeilinger | Festival der Regionen
* Becoming Europe (Performance) by Brigitte Wilfing; artistic accompaniment: Sabina Holzer; composition: Jorge Sánchez-Chiong; space and light design: Thomas Jelinek; Video: TE -R; Costume: Moritz Gottschalk | WERK X-Eldorado Petersplatz 1 1010 Wien
* SUB/S/TANZEN (Research) by Sabina Holzer, artistic accompaniment: Jack Hauser, Sound: TE -R (aka Louise Linsenbolz and Thomas Wagensommerer) | Im_flieger@Schokoladenfabrik
* International Artistic Practice Symposium (Teaching) Sabina Holzer, Jack Hauser @ MEZZANINE (PT)
* Paul Sernine & Miss Coochie (Intervention) in the frame of UNTER TIEREN | Exhibition Elena Peytchinska und Thomas Ballhausen | Extra Raum (A)
* Reflex – Tool & Guide (Research) with Anouk LLaurend, Defen Erdur, Andrea Keiz, Kerstin Kussmaul, Martin Streit, Friederike Lampert, Bertha Bermudez, Eszter Gal, Ulla Mäkinen, Sabina Holzer in the Netherlands @ Studio Itzig Galili & Peter vn Scholten.
* A PIECE YOU REMEMBER TO TELL (Group Performance) by Silke Bake and Peter Stamer, with Christine Gaigg, Amanda Pina, Philippe Riera and Ewa Bankowska, Stephanie Cumming, Claudia Heu, Sabina Holzer, Michikazu Matsune, Evandro Pedroni, Oleg Soulimenko, Florian Tröbinger, Doris Uhlich | Tanzquartier Wien (A)
* Paul Sernine & Miss Coochie in a landscape of a song (Concert as Performance) Chrismas Breakdown Special, organized by ImPulsTanz | Porgy & Bess
* PARADOXA (Research) by Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer & guests | Tanzquartier Wien
* THE GLORIOUS WEIRDNESS OF ART & COSMIC: LIVE (Exhibition | Book Presentation) Fault lines for a third space of performance (4 example by Jack Hauser) Interventions by: Thomas Ballhausen, David Ender, Nicole Haitzinger, Sabina Holzer, Anita Kaya, Krassimira Kruschkova, Andreas Spiegl, Anton Tichawa, Brigitte Wilfing | Im_flieger@Schokoladenfabrik
* Reflex Tool & Guide Research @ idocde Symposium – The Importance of Being Unnecessary (Intervention and Research) Impulstanz Vienna
* WERKSTATT Stoffwechsel – Ökologien der Zusammenarbeit (Open Lab) with: Alfred Lenz, Anita Kaya, Brigitte Wilfing, Claudia Heu, Jack Hauser, Martina Ruhsam, Sabina Holzer, Philosophy Unbound, TE -R (Thomas Wagensommerer & Louise Linsenbolz) | Im_flieger
* Glorious weirdness of art & cosmic: live 1 – 4 (Intervention) Space and invitation by Jack Hauser | Im_flieger
* Neverending Fire Opening Up Unfinished & This Cat Can Play Anything (Performance) Sabina Holzer & TE-R (aka Luise Linsenbolz & Thomas Wagensommerer) | Im_flieger
* INJECTION – ÜBER DAS NICHT-KOMMUNIZIERBARE (Symposium and Gathering) invited by Daniel Aschwanden and Jack Hauser | AIL Vienna
* Stoffwechsel – Ökologien der Zusammenarbeit (3rd Research Labor) Body work facilitated by Benoit Lachambre, with Claudia Heu, Sabina Holzer, Anita Kaya, Thomas Wagensommerer & Luise Linsenbolz, Alfred Lenz, Brigitte Wilfing | Im_flieger
* Mrs Mojo Risin‘ – Nietzsche and Jim Morrison (Performance) Jack Hauser & Sabina Holzer, Conference on the concept of immanence in philosophy and the arts | Angewandte Innovation Laboratory (AIL) Vienna
* Stoffwechsel – Ökologien der Zusammenarbeit (2nd Research Labor) facilitated by Martina Ruhsam, with Claudia Heu, Sabina Holzer, Anita Kaya, Thomas Wagensommer & Luise Linsenbolz, Alfred Lenz, Brigitte Wilfing | Im_flieger
* Theater und das Problem der Zeit (Exhibition and Intervention) by Jack Hauser and Sabina Holzer, curated by Fluss Nö Initiative für Foto- und Medienkunst Schloss Wolkersdorf
* VAN (Workshop) Sabina Holzer and Jack Hauser | a.pass – advanced performance and scenography studies Brussels (BE)
* Bewährungsprobe (Talk) Alexander Glandien invites Jack Hauser and Sabina Holzer | Depot
* Stoffwechsel – Ökologien der Zusammenarbeit (Artistic Research) Jack Hauser, Claudia Heu, Sabina Holzer, Anita Kaya,Thomas Wagensommerer & Luise Linsenbolz, Alfred Lenz, Brigitte Wilfing | Im_flieger
* EXCITEMENT OF OUR PEOPLE (Performance) Artistic direction: Raul Maia, Performance: Sabina Holzer, Raul Maia, Raphel Michon | Tanzquartier Wien
* OPEN | Performance Festival: Look what is coming across the grass! (Performance) by Sabina Holzer & Jack Hauser | mumok
* recover UNCOVER to discover (Workshop & Creation) by Sabina Holzer and Frans Poelstra | Invitation for a choreography with p[ART] Projekt des Tanzquartiers Wien mit Lehrerinnen und Schülerinnen der BAKIP 10 | Tanzquartier Wien
* GO MATA GO | AUFGELEGT (Intervention) by Jack Hauser with Sabina Holzer, Karlheinz Essl und Anton Tichawa | Essl Museum Klosterneuburg
* DIE UNBÄNDIGEN (Performance) by Satu Herrala, Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Jeroen Peeters | LiveArtsWeek 2015 Bologna (I)
* DER DIE DAS (Object | Lecture | Performance) by Sabina Holzer and Jack Hauser | Tanzquartier Wien
* (Performance as Concert) by Sabina Holzer and Jack Hauser | Im_flieger (A)
* SURPRISE YOURSELF (Workshop) Co-teachers: Anna Garrigues, Sabina Holzer, Kerstin Kussmaul, Kira Kirsch and Simon Wehrli | Impulstanz Vienna
* KLANGFAHRTEN (Concert and Performance) Concept and dramaturgy: Sabina Holzer | ZeitRäume Basel Biennalefor New Music and Architectur (CH)
* WORLD WIDE WEBERN (Intervention) Jack Hauser and Sabina Holzer | Miryam van Doren – temporary flat
* AUS DEM NICHTS (Doku-fiktion) Directed by: Angela Summereder
* WALDENKEN (Intervention) Sabina Holzer and Jack Hauser as part of Mission W curated by Eva Engelbert and Katrin Hornek | Gallitzinberg Vienna
* EXCITEMENT OF OUR PEOPLE (Performance, open rehearsal) Concept: Raul Maia, choreography and performance: Sabina Holzer, Raul Maia, Raphel Michon | Im_flieger
* PRESENTATION OF FREE JAZZ EDITION Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Jeroen Peeters | WTKB Atelier
* Die Welt von Gestern (Performance) by Sabina Holzer and Jack Hauser | Schauspielhaus Wien
* Das fantastische Dritte 4/5 (Salon) Collaboration by Sabina Holzer, Jack Hauser, Jorge Sanchez Chiong, Brigitte Wilfing and guests | Im_flieger@Schokoladenfabrik
* Grundeinkommenstanz (Participative Performance) Collaboration Sabina Holzer, Mariella Greil and Nikolaus Gansterer | ImageTanz Wien, Impulstanz Vienna
* Hereinspaziert (Dia-Essay) by Sabina Holzer and Jack Hauser | Performance Festival Open, Museumsquartier Wien (A) 100 pas presque (Group Performance) by Taoufiq Izeddiou (Ma) Cie Anania (Ma) | Museumsquarter
* What if life, permeated by art, becomes a work of art? (Dialogue) Sabina Holzer and Katrin Ackerl-Konstantin | Spectrum Theaterfestival Villach
* Learning in the gap between feeling and expression (Lecture-Performance) by Sabina Holzer, Idocde Symposium | ImpulsTanz Wien
* Lost and found in translation (Performance-Lecture) by Somex | BMC conference Vijandi (EST)
* Mind Puzzle (Research) Tanz und Theaterwerkstatt Ludwigsburg (D)
* Ghost dances (Performance) Collaboration by Sabina Holzer and Marc Vanrunxt | Monty Antwerpen (B); Tanzquartier Wien
* Freie Radikale (Performance and Concert) Collaboration with Elisabeth Flunger, Susanna Gartmayer, Emmanuelle Pellegrini; Studio Lucilin (L); Festival Densites Fresnes-en-Woevre, Terminus Sarreguemines
* SECRET SERVICE 2.1. RAYONNEMENT (Performance) by Jack Hauer, with Thomas Ballhausen, David Ender, Sabina Holzer, Inge Kaindlstorfer | Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz
* Lost in translation (Lecture Demonstration); by Somex | Idocde Symposium, Impulstanz Wien
* Hereinspaziert (Dia-Essay) by Sabina Holzer & Jack Hauser | Tanzquartier Wien
* Schwellenland (Performance) by Sabina Holzer & Jack Hauser | Werner Berg Museum
* Last days to spin a tenement ( (Experimental Works with Various Media) by Jack Hauser with Sabina Holzer and guests | Wohnung Miryam van Doren
* Was uns bewegt! Über Körper und andere Texte (Exhibition) by Lilo Nein | Kunstraum Niederösterreich
* One Piece (Performance-concert) by Sabina Holzer & Jack Hauser | Rhiz Wien; Im_flieger@Schokoladenfabrik
* Das fantastische Dritte 1/2/3 (Salon), collaboration with Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Jorge Sanchez-Chiong, Brigitte Wilfing | Apartment of Wilfing & Sanchez; Wohnung Miryam van Doren; Studio Wolv
* Dance as a tool (Research) by Jack Hauser with Sabina Holzer, Jeroen Peeters | Im_flieger@Schokoladenfabrik
* The Big Event (Group-Performance) by Toxic Dream | WUK Vienna
* nadaLokal.Wohnung.Miryam.van.Doren.mobil.12 (Exhibtion and Performance) by Jack Hauser with Sabina Holzer, David Ender | nadalokal Wien
* Alles Bewegt (Group-Performance), artistic direction Joachim Schloemer and Jane Hackett | Festspielhaus St.Pölten
* Die Unbändigen (Performance) collaboration by Sabina Holzer, Satu Herrala, Jack Hauser, Jeroen Peeters | Tanzquartier Wien
* Hidden.Wohnung.Miryam.van.Doren.Mobil (Intervention) by Jack Hauser with Sabina Holzer | Hidden Museum Fraxern
* Freie Radikale (Performance and Concert) Collaboration by Elisabeth Flunger, Susanne Gartmayer, Sabina Holzer, Emmanuelle Pellegrini | Essl Museum Klosterneuburg
* 13.Wohnung Miryam van Doren (Intervention) by Jack Hauser with Sabina Holzer | doCumenta13 Kassel (D)
* It is not the picture (Performance) by Sabina Holzer with Jack Hauser, Martin Siewert | Essl Museum Klosterneuburg
* Approaching myself as a stranger (Performance) by Sabina Holzer and Jack Hauser | WUK Vienna, TZZ Graz, Tanzquartier Wien
* M1+1 (Intervention) by Jack Hauser with Sabina Holzer, Sabine Maier and Michael Mastrototaro (aka MACHFELD) | Studio MACHFELD
* Tanz ohne Name (Lecture) by Sabina Holzer | University of Salzburg
* Salon Precarious Pleasures (Concept-Development, Research, Installation) by Katrin Hornek, Sabina Holzer, Anita Kaya, Brigitte Wilfing | CrossBreeds Kabelwerk Wien
* Inferno (Research) initiated by corpus | Tanzquartier Wien
* Casa del Gato 0/1/2/ (Intervention) by Jack Hauser with Kurt Heiling, Sabina Holzer, Anton Tichawa | Tanzcafe Jenseits
* Die letzte Vorstellung (Experimental works with various media) by Jack Hauser with Sabina Holzer and guests | Wohnung Miryam van Doren
* It is not the picture (Performance) by Sabina Holzer with Jack Hauser, Martin Siewert | WUK Wien
* M1+1 (Research) by Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Michael Mastrototaro, Sabine Maier (aka MACHFELD) | Nao Coclea (SP)
* Jack Hauser (with M1+1) (Intervention and Performance) by Jack Hauser with Sabina Holzer, Michael Mastrototaro, Sabine Maier (aka MACHFELD) | Triennale Linz 1.0. Gegenwartskunst in Österreich, Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz
* Mystery Box (Performance) by Milli Bitterli – Artificial Horizon | Brut Wien
* Have you ever been close to a human being (Teaching) Artistic direction & choreography Milli Bitterli | SEAD Salzburg
* On Listening (Research) initiated by Sabina Holzer with Lucia Glas, Jack Hauser, Benoit Lachambre, Jeroen Peeters, Thorsten Michaelis, Sandra Noeth, Martin Siewert | Tanzquartier Wien
* Filzen (Group-Performance) by Lux Flux | Impulstanz Wien
* Mitose (Performance) by Sabina Holzer, with Sabine Maier, elffriede; Crossbreeds WUK Wien; Freud Privat Universität Wien
* Can you feel my hard beat (Group-Performance) by Milli Bitterli – Artificial Horizon | Tanzquartier Wien
* Filzen (Group-Performance) by Lux Flux | Tanzquartier Wien
* Coup (Intervention) by Sabina Holzer and Jack Hauser, with Inge Kaindlstorfer | Hofburg Vienna
* Schlafen in Wien – 48 Stunden permanent performance (Installation) by Ensemble für Städtebewohner with Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer and guests | Hotel Fürstenhof Wien
* Wenn in Wien die Sonne scheint (Beschwerdechor) by Bernadette de La Hengst | Festspielhaus St. Pölten
* Tortenstück (Group-Performance) by Fritz Ostermayer and born to sit company | Donaufestival Krems
* From here to there (Research) by Juan Domiguez| Tanzquartier Wien
* Dinge, die wir nicht verstehen (Group Performance) by Andrea Bold | Schauraum Im_flieger
* Versehen (Research) initiated by the editorial team of corpus | Tanzquartier Wien
* LIVE – Paul Sernine und Miss Coochie (Performance) by Jack Hauser and Sabina Holzer | WUK Wien
* Verschleuderung des Ich (Group Performance) by Milli Bitterli – Artificial Horizon | Kaai Studio Brüssel (B), Tanzhaus Düsseldorf
* Spurensuche Code Irma Vep (Lecture Performance) by Sabina Holzer and Thomas Ballhausen | WUK im_Flieger
* Qui? Quoi? Quand? Où? (Intervention) by Jack Hauser and Sabina Holzer | Tanzquartier Wien
* O.k. songs (Group Performance) by Lux Flux | derRaum
* LIVE possession & poetry Teil 2 (Performance) by Jack Hauser and Sabina Holzer | Tanzquartier Wien
* Rettet die Mäuse (Group Performance) by Fritz Ostermayer | Tanzquartier Wien (A)
* Rezeptur (Performance) Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer and Anton Tichawa | Tanzquartier Wien
* Irma Vep (Performance) by Sabina Holzer and Jack Hauser | Richter_innen Symposium Strobl
* LIVE – Paul Sernine und Miss Coochie (Intervention and Performance) by Jack Hauser and Sabina Holzer | Lentos KunstMuseum Linz
* Verschleuderung des Ichs (Group-Performance) by Milli Bitterli – Artificial Horizon | Tanzquartier Wien (A); Kaaitheater Studios Brüssel (B); Festspielhaus St. Pölten (A); Rote Fabrik Zürich (CH)
* Oracle Night (Performance) by Karlheinz Essl, Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer | Essl Museum Klosterneuburg; Festspielhaus St.Pölten
* Songs / rare feature – summer edition (Group-Performance) by Lux Flux | Genzgasse Wien
* Possession & Poetry (Research and Intervention) by Jack Hauser and Sabina Holzer | Marokko, Südspanien, Frankreich
* Singing / a chance to see tenderness (Intervention and presentation of catalogue) by Jack Hauser with Sabina Holzer | Lentos KunstMuseum Linz
* Tarzan (Group-Performance) by Robert Steijn and Frans Poelstra | Tanzquartier Wien
* incubator (Group-Performance) by Philipp Gehmacher – mumbling fish | Hebbel Theater Berlin (D); Kaaitheater Brüssel (B), La Subsistance Lyon (F), Impulstanz Wien
* wolfen (Performance) by Sabina Holzer and Yosi Wanunu | Szene Bunte Wähne; dieTheater Künstlerhaus Wien
* Superrouter (CD recording) with Mariella Greil, Werner Moebius,Michael Moser, Noid u.a.
* I don’t think we will meet again (Performance) by Jack Hauser with Sabina Holzer and Karl Heinz Essl | Generator – Konzerthaus Wien
* dreamcracker (Performance) by Sabina Holzer, Boris Hauf and Lito Walkey | Generator Konzerthaus Wien, Linkshall Chicago (USA), Tanzfabrik Berlin (D)
* Vera Mantero & Guests (Group-Performance) by Vera Mantero and guests | Kaaitheater Brüssel (B), Tanzquartier Wien
* Im Abenteuer ist alles Mögliche Waffe und Schmuck zugleich (Intervention) by Jack Hauser | Tanzquartier Wien
* Exit (Performance) by Fabian Chyle / Volksgartenbühne Köln (D)
* songs / rare feature (Group-Performance) by Lux Flux | Genzgasse
* Secret Service II (Intervention) by Jack Hauser | Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz
* konnexiv“ (Research) by Jeroen Peeters and Sabina Holzer and guests | Vooruit / Ghent (B)
* wolfen (Performance) by Sabina Holzer, Yosi Wanunu and Ludwig Bekic | eclat/Festival für moderne Musik, Theaterhaus Stuttgart (D); Im_flieger WUK Vienna; schäxpierfestival Linz
* research by revisiting (Research) by Jeroen Peeters and Silke Bake | Tanzquartier Wien
* exit (Performance) by Fabian Chyle COAX ArtProduktions | Rampe Stuttgart (D)
* no border-duty free fiction – Part One (Research) by Silke Bake and Tanzquartier Wien with Bratislava in movement (A,SL)
* incubator (Group-Performance) by Philipp Gehmacher | Tanzquartier Wien (D)
* no border – duty free fiction- Part Two (Research)| Tanzquartier Wien; Produktion von Kupula central (Film) by Sabine Maier | MACHFELD, selected by Diagonale and screened internationally since 2004
* pozor (Film) by Michael Mastrototaro MACHFELD | screenings since 2004
* Vera Mantero & Guests (Group-Performance) by Vera Mantero and guests | Centre Pompidou Paris (F)
* der ort des begehrens ist dort wo der traum brüchig wird by Sabina Holzer, Boris Hauf and Lito Walkey | dieTheater Künstlerhaus Wien
* afformativ – Labor für Postdramatischen Agieren (Research) by Sabine Sonnenschein and guests wit MAIS Linz
* Shaking (Video Livestreaming) by COAX Art Produktions Stuttgart (D)
* From where the dumbfounded moves and gestures (artistic laboratory) concept by Sabina Holzer & Jereon Peeters. With Jack Hauser, Anne Juren, Lilia Mestre, Helmut Ploebst, Alex Waterman | Tanzquartier Wien
* bodies unfold (Performance) by Sabina Holzer and Sonja Schmidlehner / Image Festival Wien (A); Villeneuve d’Ask (F)
* b. (Reading) by Sabina Holzer and Spitzbergen / Wasserturm Wien
* Research with Hooman Sharifi (Research) by Hooman Sharifi / Tanzquartier Wien
* Carte blanche (Research) by Sabina Holzer with Martin Nachbar / Tanzquartier Wien
* Der Löwe ist assimilierten Schaf gemacht (Reading) by Sabina Holzer and Marty Huber |Rosa Villa Wien
* b. (Reading) by Sabina Holzer and Boris Hauf | Lange Nacht der Museum WUK Wien
* New Creation (Group Performance) Vera Mantero & guests | culture geste Lisbon (PT) Montpellier Danse; Marseille (F)
* Labor für postdramatisches agieren 3 (Research) mit ex.infra | WUK Wien
* une etre ici plein (Group-Performance) by V.Mantero & guests | Brest (F) Biennale Turin (I)
* thought, poetry and the body in action (Research) by Vera Mantero and guests | Tanzfabrik Berlin (D)
* dolly in wonderland (Group Performance) by Toxic Dreams | Kabelwerk Vienna
* Labor für postdramatisches Agieren 2,3, (Research) by Sabine Sonnenschein with ex.infra | Festival für neuen Tanz Wien
* exOnda 2 (Performance) by Sabina Holzer, S.Schmidlehner and Chris Janka | Festival der Flüsse Wien
* Strange connection (Groupperformance) by O.Soulimenko and Guests | Künstlerhaus Wien
* chat in progres (Group Performance) by Bilderwerfer | Passage Wien
* Schicht (Perfromance) by F.Chyle | Siemenswerk Nürnberg (D)
* jesus—odd size (Performance) by Hotel pro forma | Malmoe (DM)
* be right back (Group Performance) by Bilderwerfer | Kabelwerk Wien
* Süden (Performance) by Sabina Holzer and Jörg Weber | Theater des Augenblicks Wien
* blast (Performance) by Sabina Holzer and Oliver Schrader | Konzerthaus Wien
* zonen (Group Performance) by Bilderwerfer | Kisma Museum for modern Art Helsinki (S)
* TransChance (Group-Performance) by Jörg Weber and Gül Gürsens | Theater des Augenblicks Wien
* Der Boss bin ich (Film) by Niki List
* Speed (Group Performance) by Toxic Dreams | Kabelwerk Wien
* bodies unfold (Performance) by Sabina Holzer and Cornelia Zell | Pandorafestival Wien; W32 Amsterdam; ’99 Festival Mimosl (FR)
* Daily Secrets (Group Performance) by Bilderwerfer | dieTheaterKünstlerhaus Wien
* faint voices at their loudest (Performance) by Sabina Holzer, Peter van den Baar, Robert Steijn | Theater Frascati Amsterdam (NL); Moving Mime Festival Tilburg (NL)
* Same Sky (Performance) with Sabina Holzer and Cornelia Zell | Experiment Tanz Berlin (D)
* Strangers in paradise (Performance) by Fabian Chyle and Sabina Holzer | Melkweg Amsterdam; Pforzheim; Theater des Augenblicks Wien