Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga®
Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga® is a mindful and invigorating yoga in which the anatomy of the breath leads the way into the asanas. Strength, lightness, flexibility and endurance are built through the activation of the Core Strength Meridian, Pilates and Release Technique. We train the deep muscles of the pelvic floor, psoas and lower back and experience our skeleton as a supporting system. With pulsating, undulating movements, we recharge our bodies with energy and detoxify. We engage physically, emotionally and mentally with our alignment and recharge our batteries for the challenges of everyday life. Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga® supports a positive and joyful approach to oneself and the body. The focus is not on the form, but on the path and the sensations needed to get there.
At the moment I give private classes and share my practice with small groups (max 3 persons) at my practice space in Vienna. Please get in touch, when you are interested:
Systemic and Integrative Bodywork (Individual Sessions)

Systemic and Integrative Bodywork, SIB® is a body and perception training. With the help of specific touches and movements, muscular postures and tensions are guided into the anatomical connection between the skeleton and the nervous system and thus brought into a releasing motion. Thereby, we also pay attention to the interplay of physical and mental processes. One treatment generally lasts 90 min. We work dressed in lying, sitting or standing positions in comfortable clothes. By means of SIB, the solution of a concrete request can be worked in a closely composed sequence, or be used as a continuous support of resource-oriented well-being and centering.
SIB® is based on scientific findings in neurobiology, neurophysiology and systems theory and promotes body and self-perception.
So far, SIB® has been particularly effective in:
— releasing muscle tension, especially neck and shoulder tension
— releasing lower back problems
— improvement of flexibility in the hip
— migraines and headaches
— rehabilitation after injuries or neurological diseases
— help and prevention of burn-out syndrome

Systemic and Integrative Bodywork combines knowledge and practice from Feldenkrais‘ functional integration with solution-oriented and systemic-therapeutic methods. The fundament was created by Alon Talmi in close connection with Moshe Feldenkrais and developed further by Nurit Somer and Gudrun Schreiner (SIB – Systemische und Integrative Bewegungslehre®).
In 2016 I finshed the 3 years training to become a certified practitioner for SIB® – systemic and integrative bodywork. This body practice is a big support for my mentoring and teaching as it works with the interrelation of body and mind, as well as the personal condition and the social field of involvement.
What people said after a session: “For the first time, I have the feeling that my hump can dissolve. I feel very upright and easy, and my rib cage is wide and beautiful.“
“I feel very good. This is more than a holiday. Completely different standing and connection to the earth through my body. Wow!““
„I feel like everything is working together in my body now. The little toe helps the tooth gap. Compact and light-weighted. Much better pad; the lower body feels so much clearer.“
„I feel like a human again. Connected. The neck is so much more free and so do head and shoulders“
„Everything can drop into the ground as it should to make it easier.“
I give individual sessions to support repattering and self-healing processes feedbacking through the body, sensations, thoughts, memories and imaginations.
It is a deep pleasure for me to assist people engaging in their capacities, trust and joy for their development.
II studied at the SNDO – School for new dance development / Hoogeschool voor de Künsten Amsterdam focusing on performance and somatic practices such as: Hands-on work, Body-Mind Centering®, Alexander Technique®, and Feldenkrais®. Since then, I have explored different forms of movement, dance and somatic practices through my artistic work. Sensitivity and the joy of movement have always been essential. Yoga, Feldenkrais and Body Mind Centering have always been the basis of my training. In 2012, I was introduced to Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga (founded by Sadie Nardini) through a meniscus injury, and experienced it as a great possibility to stabilize my knee. I started to practice on a daily basis. I wanted to deepen my knowledge to find ways to move in healthy and mindful ways. Soon I started to share my practice, and since then I have been regularly teaching people with a wide range of different movement experience, – as for expample at Im_flieger, ImPulsTanz, Tanzquartier Wien, Sead – Salzburg Experimental Academy for Dance, and for production trainings & support – and thereby became a certified trainer.
In 2016, I completed my study in Systemic and Integrative Bodywork SIB®, which for me has connected emotional and mental processes with the body in a clarifying and inspiring way. The two methods complement each other beautifully: they are mindful, healing practices that activate the wisdom of the body: one through careful touch, the other through offering self-inquiry the opportunity for one’s own practice. Both are dialogic practices and have deeply inspired and expanded my connections and encounters with others and the world.
If you are interest in a CSV YOGA or SIB Session, please contact me: cattravels[at]
(Photos: Sabine Kaiser, with the friendly permission of the person treated.)