* Contemplation Wienfluss, 14.09.2022
Video: here
* Walk with Sabine Grupe (Petrologin, Leiterin Technisches Büro für Geologie
Wiener Gewässer Management Gesellschaft mbH), 9th of September, 2022
Liebe Sabina,
…. wir sind für übermorgen verabredet, Zeitrahmen ca. 10 bis 15 Uhr.
Ich habe für dich Info-Material und eine kleine Wanderroute vorbereitet, die wir abgehen und den Ottakringer Bach vor dem inneren Auge entstehen lassen können.
Treffpunkt: Bank vor Haus Zollergasse 37
Wasserscheide Ottakringer Bach/Wienfluss: Alte Post Zollergasse/Mondscheingasse
Kreuzung Kirchen-Lindengasse (Geländeabfall West-Ost durch Donau; Geländeabfall Süd: Wienfluss; Geländeabfall Nord: Ottakringer Bach)
Kirchengasse – Augustinplatz -Lerchenfelderstraße (Talsohle des Ottakringr Baches)
Neustiftgasse (Tiefenrinne O-Bach)
Richtung Minoritenplatz (Bach verborgen)
Tiefer Graben (= Erosionsrinne des Ottakringer Baches im Löss einer Donauterrasse)
Morzinplatz und dann Umrundung des römischen Lagers
Photo: Sabine Grupe
* River reading traces: Breathing, moving, and changing with/in the non-air unfolds practices that are essential for a hopeful encounter with the traumatized planetary ecology: the psycho-physical opening of one’s own body; the continuous transgression of established limitations; the affective listening, answering, and seeing with/in the Other; and one’s own self-fragilization, which includes assuming responsibility for the Other, just as s/he assumes responsibility for one’s self. It is not about knowing the Other but carrying her/him; about one’s own embedding in the wounds, traumas, and inexpressible situations; and it is about encountering one’s non-egos with/in the Other and caring for them. Such a feminine approach to the planetary trauma further introduces non-philosophical practices that lead traditional models of being-toward-death to a co-performative synthesis that relates “with experience, art, ethics, technology, mysticism, science, etc.” (Laruelle 2013, 49).
* Liquid Jurney (1) @ Volkskundemusuem Vienna, August 2022
Opening, practice and reflection of the artistic research FLUVIAL – on bodies, water and urban landscapes.
The workshop was designed to get a sensing-feeling connection to water in the body and the city. We exhanged stories and experiences of water in our bodies and surroundings.I provided some basic knowledge of water, which then was to be felt through encounters of
weight and surfaces tention of water (water in vessels) and the explored in the body.
In the second part we went to the riverside of the Donaukanal and connected our experiences with the citynature. MORE: here
* Artist in Residence with Alix Eynaudi and Lito Walkey at the Volkskunde Museum Wien, 26.-30.07.2022
First known depiction of the Danube landscape 1532, from: Wasser Stadt Wien, Eine Umweltgeschichte. 2017 Zentrum für Umweltgeschichte (Hg).
* Walk with Tom Klien (BSc – contemplative landscapes /mindfulness training /sustain*ability), 09.05.2022
Meeting point end station Neuwaldegg / at the Waldegghofgasse into the forest / along the stream in the forest – outside the Petrus Klotzgasse / Dornbach.
„This is where the subtle beings retreated when the forest was put to sleep.“
A gentle, open field. Flowering barlach, damp moss, damp leaves.
What can dissolve the water?
One generation of trees lasts about 250 years. Young trees of the first generation are usually not so fit.
What would be my instrument of notation? Drawing, writing, dancing.
Winter beeches. Summer beeches.
Young leaves can always be eaten. The cherry has marked rings in its bark.
„Dead wood is the gold of the forest“. Just as the human body, the dead bodies, nourish the soil in Ursula K.Le Guin.
* Walk with Jack Hauser (artist) 06.04.2022
(Mouth of Vienna River – Danube Canal, along the Danube Canal. Left bank (opposite breakfast at Herman) to Erdbergsteg / Haidingergasse / Kardinal-Nagl Platz / Rabengasse / Baumgasse / Landstraße Hauptstraße with 74A to Rochusgasse).
Met with Jack at the Golden Parrot. Praterstraße / Aspernbrücke.
We sit at close at the water, where the Wienfluss flows into the Donaukanal. Flow mediations.
Jack talks about movement (David said what he likes about the Miryam van Doren apartment is the movement). Movement comes from shifting heights, from centers of gravity, from pressure, from changing electromagnetic fields.
What do you associate with water? Jack: Learning to swim. Middle ear infection and swimming with a bathing cap. Very much like diving. Regarding the body: the tears. The bladder. Literature: Dr. Dolittle & Stoßmich-Ziehdich.
Me: My childhood at the river, at the Mur with the grandparents. 2x as a child almost drowned. Body: Lungs, stomach, blood. -> Blood because I am a woman, because of menstruation? Maybe.
We sit by the water and observe the different shapes that are created by the waves.
Jack has an idea: I should create 12 cards with instructions for action. We look for these places: like in „my education“. he makes films. I add: We can go to 2023, one place every month.
Jack would like to accompany an object through the Vienna River. What can it be?
A styrofoam? A message in a bottle? A piece of wood?
We find a root bundle of watercress, as I call it, at the edge of the river.
I try to turn it over and play with it with a stick. Like the Mermaids of the Karabing Film Collective. Jack makes a film.