Liquid Journey (1)

Opening, practice and reflection of the artistic research FLUVIAL – on bodies, water and urban landscapes.

The geological subsoil of Vienna consists of rocks that date back to a time when Vienna was still a sea, until the sea turned into a lake, which then dried up and was eventually covered by the sediments of the Danube and Vienna Woods streams.

Acts of imagination are connected with memories. Many rivers were straightened in Vienna to make room for houses and habitable areas. Occasionally, these streams resurface. Some say water has a memory and remembers where it once was and tries to return there. Let’s come together and remember who we were and want to be, what paths we will take, where hidden shores might be. Follow the light that liquefies and shows us movements under the surface. Water is also our emotional memory – skin, muscles and nerves remember. We are made up of up to 70% water. And the rush of imagination is our flow.

Fluid relationships between bodies, water and cityscapes are explored and pursued through movements of our bodies, paths through the city, reflections and imaginations.

Sat, Aug. 6 and Sun, Aug. 7, 2022, both 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Volkskundemuseum,
Laudongasse 15 – 19, 1080 Vienna
Participation free of charge

Liquid Journey (1). Workshop & Research August 2022, Volkskunde Museum Wien. Photo: Tom Klien.

Am Rand des Auges
Licht und Teer

Die Oberfläche krümmt sich ein
kräuselt weiter
betastet den Stein
blei schwer glänzend
Licht – dankt
die Ober fläche grenzt
bestaunend schäumt
lacht weiter
läuft hinunter
zum Blick
entlang am
Augenschwer Sein
im Kern
um den Stein
tastet flüssig die weitere Welt

steigt ein
mit Fuß
und Boot
reflektiert zurück
bis zum Wald
am Rand des Baums
unter dem Blatt
über dem Schaum
fällt hinein
hinab ein Gebet

ich höre zerkräuselnde Fläche
faden scheint
kurz wellig
Fang Nacht

steigen ein im Trockenen
sehnt sich nach der Haut
des Plasmas
des Wund geschicks
des Weißen Strangs
Faszien Strom
merkwürdig still und laut

es versinkt
(Iris Dittler)


Video traces by Jack Hauser

fluvial community to come