I studied dance at the University of Amsterdam / School for New Dance Development,
focusing on performance and somatic practices such as: Hands-on work,
Body-Mind Centering, Alexander Technique and Feldenkrais. Through my artistic work I
have been dealing with these movement techniques for my performance work and my
teaching since 1988. I am especially interested in the stories the body wants to tell.
Above all dance is for me a form of communication that goes beyond the verbal.
In various artistic and socio-political projects (mixed abilities, intercultural collaboration,
basic income dance, dementia) I explore dance in relation to the poetic potentials of
everyday conditions and behaviour. Capoeira, Feldenkrais and Yoga are practices which
keep inspiring me the most. Since 2012 I have an intensive Core-Strength Vinyasa Yoga practice and invenstigation. I teach in various institutes and projects: Tanzquartier Wien; KinderuniKunst; Vienna Conservatory;University of Dance and Music, Israel; Studio Machfeld; SEAD; Condance / Vienna; Impulstanz; a.o.
Since 2016 I am a certified practicitioner for SIB® – systemic and integrative bodywork.
This body-practice is a big support for my mentoring and teaching as it works with the interrelation of body and mind, as well as the personal condition and the social field of involvement.
I give individual sessions to support repattering and self-healing processes feedbacking through the body, sensations, thoughts, memories and imaginations.
It is a deep pleasure for me to assist people engaging in their capacities,
trust and joy for their development.
SIB® – systemic and integrative bodywork | individual sessions
SIB – systemic and integrative bodywork is a body and perception training, which combines knowledge and practice from Feldenkrais method
with solution-oriented and systemic-therapeutic methods. The fundament was created by Alon Talmi in close connection with Moshe Feldenkrais
and develpoed further by Nurit Somer and Gudrun Schreiner.
With the help of specific touches and movements, muscular postures and tensions are guided into the anatomical connection between the skeleton
and the nervous system and thus brought into a releasing motion. Thereby also pay attention to the interplay of physical and mental processes.
One treatment generally lasts 90 min. We work dressed in lying, sitting or standing.
By means of SIB, the solution of a concrete request can be worked in dialogical fashion, or be used as a continuous support
of resource-oriented well-being and centering.
SIB® is based on scientific findings in neurobiology, neurophysiology and systems theory. and promotes body and self-perception.
So far, SIB® has been particularly effective in:
— releasing muscle tension, especially neck and shoulder tension
— releasing lower back problems
— improvement of flexibility in the hip
— migraines and headaches
— rehabilitation after injuries or neurological diseases
— help and prevention in burn-out syndrome
* cattravels@silverserver.at
Photo: Sabine Maier
*Fierce & Fabulous | Advanced
Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga, created by Sadie Nardini, is an intense style of Yoga which helps building up physical strength.
The exercise of Asanas incorporates elements of Pilates and the release technique. Breathing is a crucial key to the rhythm of flows.
It specifically involves the proprioception of the pelvic floor muscles, Psoas and the lower back. We enter and exit poses mindfully in
a flow and strengthen the body’s physical centre of gravity and improve our body’s own means to prevent injuries. The use of pulsating
wave movements activates our body’s energy, helps us detox and builds up stamina and physical fitness. And, indeed, this clears the
mind und we feel connected to something alike our nature and culture: a fiery, joyful, metamorphosing self in exchange with our surroundings.
This way, we achieve a level of presence needed for our performances, and our dance will find the right balance between energy and dedication.
Every Thursday 9.30 – 10.30
Tanzquartier Wien
Photo: Jack Hauser
Noursih Your Nature | Open level
With elements of Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga we train the deep muscles (pelvic floor, psoas, lower back) to strengthen the body’s support.
Essential to this form of yoga is the movement of the wave, a gentle solution of tension and tension, with which we connect again and again.
Our breath will support us so that we can unfold the different attitudes mindfully and fluently. With awareness in the movement we connect
our thinking with the knowledge and the joy of our body, which accompanies us through the day.
Photo: Jack Hauser
Every Tuesday 9.30 – 10.45
Pay as you wish! (With the friendly support of Im_flieger)